Powerbar 30% Protein+ Bar Review: Best Reserved for Post-Run

What is Powerbar 30% Protein Plus Bar? Ingredients and nutrition facts

At 55 g, Powerbar 30% Protein Plus is a protein bar with 193 calories, 17 g of protein, 3.8 g of fat, and 7.7 g of dietary fiber. All 19 g of carbohydrates are from sugars, making it one of the most sugar-packed bars we’ve reviewed.

Nutrition information for Powerbar 30% protein +

Source: Powerbar website

Side note: Since dietary fiber is also a carbohydrate, I’m a bit confused by the nutrition information provided.

Casein protein is the primary source of protein, which is rare in protein bars since it’s a costly ingredient. The bar also contains whey and soy proteins.

While whey is considered best for fast muscle recovery due to its higher content of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), casein and soy proteins also have their benefits.

Whey, casein, and soy are complete proteins containing all the essential amino acids but in varied proportions, making 30% Protein Plus a balanced, diverse source of protein.

It is not vegan-friendly due to its use of dairy ingredients. 

Ingredient label of powerbar 30% protein + bar

Source: Powerbar website

Powerbar also specifically points out that the bar is free of aspartame, an artificial sweetener, on the product website. Most of the products Runivore has tested are also aspartame-free, so it’s not a unique claim.

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