Positive thinking overrides worrying.

Are you well balanced emotionally? Do you have a genuine
respect for the rights of others? Do you try to discover your true relationship
with others? Or has bitterness and unhappiness, in your life, due to worry,
caused you to unintentionally cultivate a critical outlook on life in general?

You must learn to think positively, without worry. Thoughts
materialize themselves into reality, as “thoughts are things”. Worry is a
ravenous creature that can destroy you. It destroys your strength, induces
major and minor illnesses, sicknesses, diseases, and can cause a complete
nervous and mental breakdown. It can so mess-up your subconscious mind that an
individual is totally unable to deal with circumstance at hand. Worry makes the
slightest irritant seem like a catastrophe.

Worry, does indeed, exist. One must make an effort to
conquer it. Develop faith and strength with constructive mental exercises, like
meditation, on a daily basis. If you try, you can achieve a happy, peaceful,
healthy, harmonious and abundant life.

By the thoughts you entertain, you can either strengthen or
weaken your world every day. You can destroy your health and vitality in the
same manner.

Most people are victims of chronic exhaustion and mental
fatigue, with only a small percentage from purely physical reasons. Yet, over
75% are tired from worry and emotional difficulties. Emotional fatigue and
worry can cause you to become thoroughly discouraged, terribly tired, and, at
times, lose the will to live.

Our need is to develop a positive attitude by positive
thinking and faith. Secondly, stop pushing so hard at life and get off the
emotional merry-go-round you’ve been riding. We are possessed by negativity
when we worry, and borrow trouble unnecessarily by conjuring up things that
never really exist. We become so distressed and anxious at times over a normal
happening that we personally turn it into an unbearable crisis, which we can
hardly cope with.

Many common diseases are due largely to our inability to
handle stress, rather than direct damage by germs, poisons, or other external
stimuli. Stress, fear and anxiety are personal problems of most everyone and a
part of life. Unfortunately, as long as we are alive we cannot avoid stress,
but we can learn how to handle it and keep it to a minimum.

Vital health lies in the successful adjustment to changing
stresses. If not, ill health and unhappiness become the penalty for failing to
adapt. When a person stops worrying and develops self-confidence and
self-assurance, a wonderful feeling of peace prevails. We must learn to carry
out our daily chores quietly, without stress, strain or nervous tension.

We look at the world through the windows of our own
mentalities and interpret everything we see in terms of our own mental
limitations. So, renew your thoughts and make them constructive. Transform your
life into a success story.

You alone can re-shape and re-mold your character by
changing it the way you want it to be. Learn how to be content with what you
have and don’t worry about what your neighbor has.

We come into this world carrying baggage as a result of
previous actions. There is nothing you can do about that. But you can do
something about your actions in this lifetime. Every action has a reaction, be
it good or bad. Let the past work itself out but re-shape your future by your
actions from this day forward.





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