February Things • Kath Eats

A bit of life lately!

All good at the dentist! Possible braces for the older child…

Happy mid February!

This is my least favorite time of year, Valentine’s and all! We’ve had snow and we’ve had 65 degree days. We’ve been well and sick. We’ve had lots of cloudy days that make me feel so blah. And lots of time in the hot sauna. The sauna is my happy place this time of year!


This cutie decided to wear Mazen’s wedding outfit to school one day. How handsome! He is really into fashion. 

Birch said “just call me Genie!”

This is me attempting 80s fashion. I do not own a thong leotard or a crimper, but I did my best with leggings and a loose top. 

80s Night: The Legwarmers

The occasion was the mid-winter Legwarmers concert. Always a fun time! 

Go Hooooooos

Family UVA game! 

Birch doesn’t love going to games quite yet, so we went for a walk. Found a photo booth in the trophy area!

Marble Run 

The marble run has been the toy of the month. Along with the Survivor Nintendo game, which is pretty true to the game! I got voted out twice and need to figure out the trick to get people to vote with me! Wish I had chunk of time to really sit and play, but an hour of gaming makes me feel woozy! 


These two destroy the couch on a daily basis. This couch has definitely gotten its money’s worth in forts during the 10 years I’ve owned it!

Cinnamon Chip

Picked up some Cinnamon Chip bread from Great Harvest. A whole loaf is gone in two days! Everyone loves it. And it always makes the best french toast. Irish Soda Bread season is right around the corner!


I got to watch my Highlander flip to 100,000 miles this month! What a milestone (get it? haha). I’ve had this car since Mazen was born 12 years ago, yet the miles are pretty low thanks to small town driving. We are hopeful we’ll be getting a new Grand Highlander this year if the dealership can actually procure us one : ) 


Another set of wheels ready to move on. This child would keep riding till the stroller collapsed. He has always loved it!


My travel Rummikub set is making the rounds!! We’ve been playing at happy hours and before trivia. 

Plant Ladies

Finished my Plant Ladies puzzle! I also bought a puzzle board and did. not. like. Sent it back to Amazon. It was so big and heavy and just felt klutzy to me. I may have just bought the wrong one, but I think we’ll just stick to the table. 

Tie-Dye Craft

B often comes home from school wanting to replicate a craft he did in class. This tie-dye craft with markers and a spray bottle was a little messier than we thought. But we tried it!

Kath Eats Real Food

Here are some of our recent meals!

Go Eagles!

One happy Eagles family. 

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