Two Disciplines of Yoga for Mind Regulation – Fitsri Yoga

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is one of the greatest systems for mental exploration, presented to us centuries…

Sharath Jois, maestro y heredero del yoga ashtanga, muere a los 53 años

Sharath Jois, el maestro de yoga que cosechó legiones de seguidores enseñando ashtanga, el popular estilo…

How To Use Spinning Babies for A Smoother, More Balanced, and More Efficient Birth with Gail Tully

If you could choose between a functional efficient labor or a dysfunctional and inefficient labor, I’m…

How to Set Limits (With Love)

Did you miss the chance to hit the mat today due to your parenting duties? Sarah…

Katherine Hartsell Interview: From Boston Ballet to Tune Up Certified

From Boston Ballet to Tune Up Certified! Your Tune Up Fitness community will continue to amaze…

Why Bendy People Might Not Make the Best Yoga Teachers

This entry was posted on Feb 18, 2025 by Charlotte Bell. Decades ago the film, Annie…

5 Restorative Poses for Self-Care in Pregnancy – Blog

Being pregnant is a wonderful and transformative experience. At times it can be challenging, filled with…

5 Vrittis Yoga – Fitsri Yoga

In the journey of self-discovery through yoga, we often encounter a profound concept that lies at…

Sharath Jois, Heir to Founder of Ashtanga Yoga, Dies at 53

Sharath Jois, the yoga master who garnered legions of followers by teaching Ashtanga, the popular style…

Why Children Whine and What to Do About It with Dr. Laura Markham [REVISIT]

If you’re a parent, or have simply spent time around children, you know the how hard…