Why plant based foods are the best.

To get a grip on why a plant-based diet is powerful
medicine, you’ll need to understand that plant foods are the most abundant
sources of nutrition on the planet. Nutrients are the raw materials your body needs
to function properly and there are two classes:

  1. The ones the body makes by itself.
  2. The ones it can only be derived from the food
    you eat, aka “essential” nutrients.

Of the 13 essential vitamins, eleven are made in abundance
by plants. Two that are not produced by plants are vitamins D and B12, and both
are stored in your tissues for long periods of time. You can plenty of vitamin
D from the sun and B12 from bee pollen and organic sulfur crystals, which
enables the body to create it, as evidenced by the University of South Hampton
in Great Britain.

When it comes to providing immune-boosting and
cancer-fighting nutrients, there is no comparison between plant-based foods and
dead, rotting, animal foods. With antioxidants being essential for good health,
animal foods are low or devoid of them, while plant-based foods are rich in
them and provide a huge variety of vitamins, minerals and many other
health-building nutrients.

Scientists have finally discovered that the plant foods
contain powerful phytochemicals, which can protect us from cancer, heart
disease and many, many other serious illnesses. Not only that, but when it
comes to mineral sources, plants are the primary source. Why? Because the
minerals come from the earth and make their way into the food supply through
the plants. The only reason animals have any minerals within them is because
they eat plants.

In our intestines, we need dietary fiber that will bind with
fat, cholesterol, environmental pollutants and disease-causing hormones to
eliminate this crapola from our bodies. Not only that, but the fiber promotes
healthy bowel elimination aka frequent doo-doo and no constipation.

I always hear arguments about calcium sources because those
that argue have no clue as to the fact that plant foods are rich in calcium.
The reason why meatheads lose calcium is because they eat eggs. One egg
contains so much protein to develop the baby chicken, that the excess protein
needs to be neutralized with calcium. The only way it can get calcium to do
that is to take it from the bones. And people wonder why they get arthritis or

Sometimes protein is greatly misunderstood because the
plants contain protein and all the essential amino acids to build it. So, all
the protein a person needs comes easily from plant foods. But, since Americans
get 6 to 10 times more protein than they need from eating dead animals, that
excess protein overworks the liver and kidneys causing them to become enlarged and
injured, causing the bones to weaken and kidney stones to form.

What the scientists also found was that the animal proteins
are damaging to the body because a lot of their amino acids contain sulfa (not
related to sulfur) and is way more toxic to the liver and kidneys than veggie
proteins. When you reduce your protein content via a plant-based diet, the
kidneys become stronger and heal.

Carbohydrates are our primary source of energy because they
provide energy for the red blood cells, cells of the kidneys and are the
preferred fuel for our central nervous system, including the brain. Fat, on the
other hand, is a secondary source of energy for the muscles, but is usually
stored in the body for use in times of fasting.

We were designed by nature to crave carbs. Why? because
their sweet flavor, energy and nutrition regulates our hunger drive. Red meat,
dead chickens and turkeys, dead fish, the menstrual cycle of the chicken (eggs)
and liquid fat (dairy) have little (2%) or no carbs at all. So, on an animal
food diet, feeling satisfied after eating is rare and results in over-eating
resulting in becoming a fat over-eater. The bottom line: if not eating enough
carbs, you’ll stay hungry and put on pounds.

The unprocessed plant foods like organic quinoa, bulgur,
buckwheat, brown rice, potatoes, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and apples, and
that’s just the tip of the iceberg, are loaded with complex carbohydrates,
which are long chains of sugars that must be broken down inside your intestine
before they can be used as fuel. Their process of digestion is slow and
methodical and provides a steady stream of fuel pumped into your bloodstream as
long-lasting energy.

What can be better than a diet that provides you with all
the nutrients you need for optimum health and a high level of vitality and

So, let me give you one last thing to chew on.

FLESH GIVES YOU                           CAUSING

High Calories                           Obesity, diabetes, heart
disease, cancer

High fat                                   Obesity,
cancer, diabetes

High saturated fat    
              Heart attacks, stroke

Essential fats deficiency         Degenerative
diseases, multiple sclerosis

High protein                            Osteoporosis,
kidney damage, stones

High acid                                 Osteoporosis,
kidney stones

High cholesterol                      Atherosclerosis,
strokes, heart attacks

High iron                                 Atherosclerosis,
strokes, heart attacks

No dietary fiber                      Constipation,
hemorrhoids, IBS

No carbohydrates                   Fatigue,
poor endurance

No vitamin C                           Poor
tissue healing (scurvy)

No calcium                              Poor

Environmental contaminants Cancer, Parkinson’s disease,
brain damage

Carcinogens from cooking      Cancer

Multiple microbe infections   Infectious
disease (E. coli, mad cow)

Then the last good news is the cost to humans with
deforestation, destruction of natural resources, pollution, inhumane treatment
of animals – both when they are alive and when slaughtered – and it’s expensive
for everyone with dramatic increases in food and medical bills.                            

All that being said, maybe now it’s time for your
intelligence to override of your tongue!






The post Why plant based foods are the best. appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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