Meet Tawny Cortes – Blog

Tawny Cortes is a yoga and mindfulness teacher, wellbeing coach and sound practitioner. We caught up with Tawny to learn more about her, her experience and her practices.

You can learn more about Tawny through her Instagram page @tawny.cortes and her website

Tell us a bit about yourself…

I live in West London and have been working in the wellness space for over a decade. During that time I’ve added a few strings to my bow including personal trainer, yoga teacher, mindfulness practitioner, wellness coach and corporate wellbeing facilitator, so it’s probably no surprise that I struggle to give myself a job title! I like to think of myself as a multidisciplinary educator who specialises in self-care practices to support wellbeing and resilience. In my down time I love to go for long walks in nature or explore the many sites London has to offer. I love discovering new parts of the city that I haven’t been to before. I’m also a big foodie and I’m always on the hunt for a good taco spot that connects me to my Mexican roots. Any recommendations are always welcome!

What does a typical day look like for you?

Being self-employed means that no two days are the same. If my mornings are free, I usually go to the gym for a workout. I enjoy weight training as it helps me feel strong in my body and I find exercising in the mornings gives me energy for the rest of the day. After the gym I might have a session with a private client otherwise I try to catch up on admin or plan what I’m teaching that day. Lunchtimes are typically when I teach one of my corporate yoga classes. Then I’ll have a break in between teaching in the mid-afternoon when I usually tackle more admin (there’s always more!) or plan for any upcoming corporate wellbeing workshops, mindfulness sessions or events. I also like to do a restorative yoga practice in the afternoon, especially if I know I have to go out and teach again in the evening, followed by my meditation practice. My evenings are spent either teaching or watching a funny show with my partner. We like to end the day on a positive note with laughter 🙂

How did your yoga journey begin and what inspired you to become a yoga teacher?

I went to my first yoga class during my final year of university. I was completing my Masters in Drama & Theatre Studies and I was experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety about my final project. Yoga was something I had heard could be good for stress as it had a mindful approach, as well as being a physical practice. I distinctly remember having a thought back then about maybe becoming a yoga teacher but it was more of a daydream than something I took seriously. It’s funny how life works out. I guess that seed was planted and laid dormant for sometime until I finally felt that pull once again a few years later. 

Yoga has been a refuge during difficult times in my life. It has taught me to let go of self-judgement and to soften into self acceptance, compassion and kindness. My yoga practice helps keep me grounded and centred in a fast-paced world. It allows me to self-regulate, especially when my anxiety kicks in, and reminds me to live in the present moment. Yoga has taught me how to slow down, to connect with my breath; the essence of who I am, and find balance. It is because of this that I felt called to share this beautiful practice with others.

What inspired you to specialise in restorative yoga, mindfulness and sound healing?

As I began to find my voice as a teacher, I knew I wanted to focus more on practices that aligned with my values of nurturing self awareness, compassion and self acceptance. From early on in my teaching I was drawn to practices that would support nervous system health to reduce stress, like breathwork (pranayama), restorative yoga and crystal bowl sound healing. All of these modalities invite us to slow down, to do less and to be present so that we can come back into balance. 

Additionally, mindfulness is the foundation of cultivating awareness. It invites us to notice what is arising from moment to moment, to let go of self-judgement and to respond rather than react to our experiences. By deepening our awareness we can learn to support ourselves in navigating the human experience with kindness and compassion. 

Do you have a favourite quote or life motto that you live by?

I’ve been recently drawn to this mindfulness quote – “you can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”, Jon Kabat-Zinn.


You can learn more about Tawny through her Instagram page @tawny.cortes and her website

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