While fresh food is always ideal, packaged foods aren’t all bad. Here is a list of healthy packaged foods for kids that mine, now ages 6 and 12, love!
I originally published this post in 2019, when Birch was just over one year old and Mazen was seven! I thought it was due for an update since the boys are now 6 and 12. Their preferences have morphed over the years, and there are new healthy packaged products that we enjoy!
Here’s what life was like then:
But back to food!
Ideally, kids eat lots of fresh real foods.
Fresh fruits, whole grains, dairy, vegetables (I try!), proteins; It’s kind of funny how they are opposites when it comes to food prefs.
- Birch: loves fruit, few veggies, won’t eat any meat!
- Mazen: great protein eater (sardines! smoked oysters!), good at veggies, won’t eat any fruit!
- Both love ice cream, milk, yogurt, and all grains (like oatmeal cookies or muffins!)
I always try to use up the fresh foods before reaching for freezer or pantry backups. First, because I want to use up what could spoil but second, because I believe fresh food is best. That said, sometimes the fresh food is running low and the kids still have to be fed! These are 20 great options for healthy packaged foods for kids that I rely on when my fridge is looking bare.
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20 Healthy Packaged Foods For Kids
1. Frozen waffles
Frozen waffles have always been a go-to. We used the ones on the left when Birch was a baby because they were small and easy to grab. And now we like the protein waffles from Whole Foods. Yes, there is butter and syrup involved, too. These are a staple for school day breakfasts.
2. Pancakes
We LOVE Kodiak cakes in this house! Everyone eats them. The buttermilk flavor has always been my favorite. These are a go-to on weekends when we make a big batch for everyone (If you don’t have a mix, you can try Whole Wheat Sheet Pan Pancakes!).
3. Frozen Pizza
My kids have always loved pizza! This one below is one we served to Mazen for years because of the added spinach (Warning: it does give kids garlic breath!). Birch prefers plain cheese. Can’t win them all!
4. Chicken nuggets
Neither of my boys have ever been big nugget eaters. Not because I am holier-than-thou, but they just don’t go nuts for them like other kids do. I have tried lots of different kinds! A friend recommended this brand to me and it has some pureed veggies and whole grains for a little boost. I used it more when the boys were younger but I’m keeping it on the list!
5. Ready Pasta and basically ALL pasta
Birch is made of pasta – it’s his favorite food. We cook his on the stove top most of the time, but I found this at Wegmans (most of the foods in this post are from Whole Foods). It’s just pre-cooked and vacuum packed pasta that you heat in the microwave. It was kind of amazing how fast the pasta was ready with not a dish to do! I added butter and parmesan; pesto works too if your kids like it. Or red sauce, of course.

6. Mac and Cheese
We love Annie’s products, and their mac and cheese is a fan favorite. The ingredients are simple and they have a variety of styles. We particularly love the protein added varieties called Super Mac.
7. Freeze Dried Fruits + Veg
Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pea pods! Freeze dried foods are great for the lunchbox and/or if you’re running low on fresh (or if they are out of season / crazy expensive).
8. Ramen + quick noodles
Now that Mazen is old enough to do some basic cooking, we’ve explored the world of noodles and ramen. He is a fan of Fly By Jing noodles, and this is great if we need a “kid dinner” for him.
9. Bars
My kids aren’t huge granola bar eaters, but we do like Clif Z bars for kids (and the Wegman’s knock off), and these oats and chocolate ones from Whole Foods. They go on a kick of liking a certain bar and then getting sick of them. Birch loves Nature Valley bars, too! He calls them “crumbly bars,” haha.
10. Fruit Strips
My kids go gaga for fruit snacks but we only buy those on occasion. We have these strips more often for a really quick energy option. I like the organic ones from Whole Foods or these hearty ones by South Forty. I often reach for these as a pre-workout snack myself!
11. Pouches
Of course – the little kid staple. These were on the list back in 2019 and they are STILL on the list because it’s a great way for picky eaters to get nutrition. We still use veggie pouches for B as a way to get greens in him (along with green smoothies).
12. Microwave Popcorn
A great after-school option that everyone likes! So easy they can DIY.
13. Apple sauce
Classic package snack unless you have time to make soft cinnamon apples!
14. Yogurt of all kinds
My kids must be snobs because Noosa is their favorite yogurt! But they do like plain and vanilla. Birch likes little yogurt drinks by Stonyfield, too.
15. Tortilla chips
While you might not put these in the “healthy” category, I think tortilla chips are better than most (like the Takis Mazen is always trying to get me to buy – eek!). We eat a lot of tortilla chips around here (myself include) and these Zack’s Mighty Chips are super thick and so crunchy!
16. Peanut Butter Pretzels
Unanimously loved by grownups and kids alike!
17. Cereal
I think cereal with milk is a great kid snack! Little carbs, little protein from the milk. Our kids tend to like more basic cereals like Cheerios, Oatmeal Squares, or Chex vs. all the mixed up or sugary ones out there. I look for cereals with minimal added sugar.
18. Crackers
We make peanut butter saltine sandwiches for Birch, or occasionally buy cheddar bunnies or gold fish to satisfy a salty craving or when we need some individually wrapped snacks for an event.
19. Trail Mix
Adding this to the list even though neither of mine are huge trail mix eaters. Because they should be! We always have trail mix and nuts on hand. For the longest time, if Mazen asked for a bedtime snack, I’d offer him almonds and carrots because it’s somewhat of a boring snack. A test to see if he was really hungry. I love the trail mix in snack packs for easy grab and go.
20. Jerky sticks
Chomps are Mazen’s favorite snack! While they are expensive, I know he’s getting wholesome protein and they are made with grass-fed beef.
If you need a little pantry organizing help for your kids snacks, check out this post for some of the bins we have and love to decant and keep snacks easy to reach: Pantry Organization Favorites.
Please share some of your favorite snack ideas!
What are your kids favorite healthy snacks?
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