5 Yoga Poses for Period Pains and Cramps – Blog

Looking to practice yoga on your period? During the time of the month where you could be experiencing stomach cramps, low energy and tiredness, yoga might just be the soothing form of movement that your body needs.

You may have heard of one of the five Vayu’s; prana, which refers to the upward moving energy and lies within the heart. It is what is most typically associated with practicing everyday asana – the life force energy.

Another one of the Vayu’s, Apana, is then the downward moving energy that lies in the core of the pelvic floor area, and is also the energy our body works with during menstruation. Responsible for the bodies outward flow, it’s purpose is to release toxins both physically and mentally.

Channeling the energy of this Vayu through yoga, research has shown that asana may help to reduce cramps, lower back pain, ease mood swings and offer a boost of the necessary endorphins that may be lacking during menstruation.

Here are 5 yoga poses for period pains:

Downward Facing Pigeon Pose

Adho Muka Kapotasana


During menstruation, there’s likely to be extra tension in the areas surrounding the pelvis. Downward facing pigeon pose is a great way to release these muscles, offering ease to abdominal and lower back aches. As well as the physical benefits, this pose can also be an emotional release, which may benefit due to the hormones present during this time.

  1. From all 4’s, slide one knee to the outside of the wrist on the same side of the body.
  2. Encourage the foot to move a little higher so that the shin is closer to being in line with the top of the mat.
  3. Keep the foot flexed to protect the knee.
  4. (Option to place a bolster, or blanket, under the right hip for extra comfort.)
  5. Slide the other foot towards the back of the mat, straightening the leg with the knee facing down.
  6. Gently begin to fold over the front leg.

Wide Legged Childs Pose



Acting as a massage from the inside out, childs pose is the ultimate self-care pose that the body would benefit from during menstruation. Releasing multiple areas where the body is susceptible to holding tension, spending time in this pose will help create ease and relaxation both mentally and physically.

  1. From all 4’s, take the knees out towards the edge of the mat.
  2. Lie a bolster vertically and place it just in front of the pelvis.
  3. Begin to lower the chest down and allow the cheek, or forehead to meet the floor/bolster

Wide Angle Seated Forward Fold

Upavistha Konasana



Stimulating the abdominal organs, Upavistha Konasana is another great way to release the areas likely to be experiencing cramps. It also has the benefit of being a soothing posture, which helps to bring mental ease creating a place of relaxation.

  1. From a seated position, take the legs out to the sides forming a 90 angle, or wider.
  2. Flex the toes and rotate the thighs outward.
  3. Place a bolster vertically in front of the pelvis.
  4. Inhale, lift the chest and as you exhale begin to move the chest towards the bolster relaxing the upper body down.

90 90 Forward Fold



This pose is designed to release the hips, with a twisting movement that also encourages breath to be sent into the abdominal area. A nourishing combination, this multi-functional pose targets areas most affected by the menstrual cycle.

  1. From all 4’s, bring the knee next to the same wrist.
  2. Roll onto your sit bone and from a 90 angle with the leg.
  3. Bring the opposite knee forward until it meets the foot.
  4. Both legs will form a 90 degree angle.
  5. Place a bolster into the front leg hip, facing out to the side of the mat.
  6. Rotate the upper body towards the bolster and begin to forward fold over it.
  7. Rotate the head the same was as the body and place the cheek down.

Side Corpse Pose

Parsva Savasana


Practicing this pose lying on the left side of the body, so the right remains lifted, allows the body’s blood circulation to naturally flow. This also enables the nervous system to effectively slow down, which helps the body and mind to move into a more relaxed state of being.

  1. Lie down on your back and place a blanket at the back of your head.
  2. Roll onto your side.
  3. Take a bend in both knees and place a bolster in between them.
  4. Place a bolster vertically in front of you.
  5. Bring the under arm straight out in front of you and allow the other arm to rest on top of the bolster.

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